RMSCA Background, Mission and Efforts

The Rocky Mountain Steel Construction Association was established in 1993 with the express purpose of “Advancing steel construction in the Rocky Mountain region.” The RMSCA endeavors to provide educational, promotional and outreach efforts to the membership and the construction community at large. Today the RMSCA serves over 50 member companies; members can be fabricators, erectors, detailers, suppliers, design professionals and other associated supporting trades (such as equipment companies and specialty processors). The association prides itself on an economical fee structure, superb breakfast and dinner meetings as well as an annual golf outing to fund it’s mission. The RMSCA works in conjunction with the national governing body for steel construction, the American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC). The annual outreach efforts the association supports include:

  1. Annual scholarship for a regional steel construction engineering student
  2. Annual sponsorship for regional professors to attend the AISC annual steel conference
  3. Ongoing liaison committee meeting monthly with the local engineering professional association (SEAC) to critically address issues of mutual interest/action and the production of white papers for the construction community
  4. Bridge competition sponsorship for regional university students

The association endeavors to bring presentations of interest to the membership to challenge critical thinking, encourage frank discussions and promote productive change among the steel community. We regularly hold events that involve the general contracting and design professional communities to promote a better construction environment today as well for our leaders and members of tomorrow. The atmosphere at RMSCA events tends to be light and we enjoy some welcome relief from the grind of steel construction with a welcoming social atmosphere. The RMSCA is governed by a Board of Directors representing member company representatives and meets regularly and with the support of Executive Director Debra Scifo.

RMSCA Member Projects

RMSCA Affiliations

Our Board of Directors

Brad Koch, President

Dominic Mazza, Vice President

Paul Wareham, Past President

Josh Brown, Secretary

Kunal Mehra , Treasurer

Cody Shaw Board Member

Mark Upton Board Member

Nate Smith Board Member

Dave Henley Board Member